The Association has been registered in the year 1958 under the Societies Registration Act. It has also has been registered under the income Tax Act, bearing its legal entity.
The founding fathers of the Madras Customs clearing & Shipping Agents’ Association, who were of outstanding grit and character of sagacity and pragmactic wisdom, charted and laid out Rules and Regulations to be followed.
In terms of the Memorandum of Association, the objects for which the Association is established and which shall extend to the whole of India are multifold.
The very first object of the memorandum is “To diffuse useful knowledge to the persons firms, Association and other bodies, Corporate engaged in Clearing and Forwarding business and to open a LIBRARY and reading room and other intuitions for their training and to formulate programmes, facilitating such training”.
Though the Association building was purchased in the year 1984, by the Doyens of the day, the functioning of the association was carried out at the C&F scheme floor of the Dock Labour Board, till July 1988. From August 1988 the Association has started functioning from its own premises.